
Hammurabi Law 199

185. If a man takes a grandchild as his son in his name and raises him, no claim may be made to that adopted son. 217. In the case of a slave of a man, the owner of the slave must give the doctor two shekels of silver. 173. If the woman gives birth to her future husband, into whose house she entered, children and the woman subsequently dies, the first and last children share her dowry. 52. If the lessee does not obtain a harvest of grain or sesame on his field, he may not cancel his contract. 171. If, however, a father does not tell the children given to him by the servant during her lifetime: “My children”, then, after the death of the father, the servant`s children should not share with the children of the woman the property of the father`s house. The servant and her children should be released.

The woman`s children cannot claim the maid`s children for the service. The wife receives her dowry and the gift that her husband gave her and made on a table, and she can live in her husband`s house and enjoy (the property) as long as she lives. However, she cannot sell it, because after her (death) it belongs to her children. 61. If the gardener does not plant the entire field, but leaves a waste of space, he must allocate the usable area to his part. 53. If a man fails to reinforce his and does not reinforce it, a breach is made in his and the water carries away the arable land, the man in whose the breach was made must return the grain he has damaged. 276. If he rents a sailboat (?), he must pay 21/2 SE of money per day as rent. 175.

If a palace slave or a liberty slave takes a man`s daughter (gentleman) and she gives birth to children, the owner of the slave may not claim the children of the man`s daughter for service. 245. If a person hires an ox and causes its death through negligence or abuse, he must return an ox of equal value to the owner of the ox. 27. If an officer or constable who is in a garrison of the king is captured, and afterwards they give his field and garden to another, and he conducts his affairs, when the first returns and arrives in his city, they will surrender his field and garden, and he himself will direct his affairs. 101. If he fails to do so, the agent must double the sum of money received and pay it to the merchant. 225. If he operates on an ox or donkey for a serious injury and causes its death, he must give the owner of the ox or donkey one-quarter of its value.

248. If a man hires an ox and breaks its horn or cuts off its tail or wounds the flesh through which the ring passes, he must pay the owner of the silver ox one-quarter of its value. 8pm A woman, a shopkeeper or another landowner can sell a field, garden or house. The buyer carries on the business of the field, garden or house he has acquired. 13. If the man`s witnesses are not present, the judges shall order a postponement of six months; And if he does not present his witnesses within the six months that this man has attempted, tried to defraud, he bears the sentence imposed in this case. 112. If a man travels and delivers silver, gold, stones or portable objects to a man with an order to transport, and that man does not deliver what is to be carried to the place where it is to be transported, but brings it to himself, the owner of the goods carried shall hold that man responsible for the goods to be transported, that he has not delivered; and this man will hand over to the owner of the goods transported five times the quantity given to him.

154. If a man has known his daughter, he must expel her from the city. If a man has a debt of grain or money against a man and confiscates him for debts, and the one who is seized dies in the house of the one who seized him, this matter has no punishment. 38. An officer, police officer or tax collector may not give to his wife or daughter the field, garden or house in his business (i.e., by virtue of his office), nor may he assign them for debts. 10. If the buyer does not present the seller who sold it to him and the witnesses in whose presence he bought it, (and) if the owner of the lost property presents witnesses identifying his lost property, the buyer will be killed as a thief; The owner of the lost property must compensate for its loss.