
Fundamento Legal De La Modalidad 40 Del Imss

We are in the IMSS law of 1997, we are under 60 years old and more than 1,250 weeks of contributions. In this case, we can make modality 40 and contributions to the above, but experts in this case do not recommend quoting in modality 40. Interested parties must contribute in this modality at least with the last basic contribution salary (SBC) they had at the time of their withdrawal, or a higher amount, taking into account the legal maximum limit of 25 times the UMA, currently 2,015 pesos (arts. 218 and 219, LSS; 64 and 65, Regulation of the Social Security Law on Affiliation, business classification, collection and control -RACERF-). The validity of modality 40 of the IMSS depends on the partner, he decides the time and money he invests in modality 40, according to his possibilities and his goal. Each person registered under the 40 IMSS modality enjoys the following benefits: A) Maintain or improve the basic salary of the contribution according to the last salary received in the compulsory IMSS© system. B) Increase in the contribution weeks for the period during which the insured person is© affiliated to modality 40 of the IMSS. C) Increase the preservation of IMSS pension rights. Modality 40 The IMSS covers the following insurances: For these situations, there is modality 40 in the IMSS Act, also known as voluntary continuation of the compulsory regime. Below we explain the rights, requirements, online procedures and frequently asked questions about IMSS modality 40. Therefore, employers should inform employees who wish to contribute in modality 40 that this is only possible if they are not linked to an employer, otherwise there is a legal impossibility to notify the withdrawal of social security. If the employee decides to carry out a procedure before the IMSS, when he reaches 500 weeks, they often motivate him to retire in the information they give him, and they do not talk about modality 40, so if this were to be your case, we recommend that you advise yourself very well if you want to enter a kind of pension at that time, When calculating weeks and looking at requirements, you need to choose what works best for you when it comes to retirement.

Subordinates who are about to retire often turn to the human resources department of companies to request their withdrawal from the IMSS so that they can supplement the voluntary maintenance of the compulsory social security system (ROSS), known as modality 40, and thus increase the amount of their pension. The rights granted by IMSS modality 40 are as follows: The experts recommend contributing to modality 40 if: This may be done by persons who paid contributions before 1 July 1997, i.e. those covered by the Social Security Act 1973 or those subject to the legislation in force. You can join if you have contributed at least 52 weeks in the last five years and less than five years have passed since the date of your departure from the IMSS. ELEVENTH. Insured persons who were registered before the date of entry into force of this Law may, at the time of the execution of the legal hypotheses or the corresponding accident provided for the enjoyment of old-age pensions, unemployment at an advanced age or occupational risks in the repealed Social Security Act, choose to receive the benefits provided for therein or provided for by this Law. The moment you sign up for modality 40 with a salary, you cannot change it later. Therefore, it is very important that you analyze how much you can quote. Modality 40 also does not include housing offers. ☛ If you have any doubts about modality 40, you can leave them on the following link: Modality 40 and Modality 33 IMSS: requirements, frequently asked questions and compatibilities.

The purpose of the right to social security is to guarantee the right to health, medical care, protection of livelihoods and social services necessary for individual and collective well-being, as well as the granting of a State-guaranteed pension, where appropriate and subject to compliance with legal requirements. This institution offers modality 40, which is legally known as voluntary continuation of the compulsory system. What does this format allow? It continues with contributions to the pension scheme for advanced age, old age and disability, in which weeks of contributions and funds accumulate in the individual costs of beneficiaries. This mechanism is available to persons who have started contributing under the 1973 Act. If you adhere to this modality, you must contribute 10% of the salary with which you contribute every 30 days. To find out if you should use modality 40 of the IMSS, you must answer the following questions: As already mentioned, modality 40 only comes into play when the subordinate is dismissed from social security, which means that the cause is the termination of the employment relationship, justified or unjustified (art. 218 Fracc. I, LSS).

Receipt of payment of the corresponding employer quota. Original and copy. A very important thing under modality 40 is that you do not have access to IMSS medical©services. (Shutterstock). The minimum wage is the last basic contribution salary received. As for the maximum wage, you can contribute up to 25 minimum wages (the minimum wage in effect at the time of registration will be retained). We are in the IMSS law of 1973, with a low average salary before the IMSS and we are under 60 years old. We can make modality 40 and voluntary contributions to the above. Article 128 The insured person must make the payment in advance no later than the 17th of each month. All employees who contribute to the Mexican social security institution are entitled to a pension.

The IMSS offers alternatives for those who have terminated their employment relationship with an employer in order to preserve the validity of their rights. Currently, it is difficult to find a job that makes an adequate contribution to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), and even more so if you are already over 40 years old or if you have left your job in which you contributed, and therefore lose the possibility of receiving an IMSS pension in the future. The insured person has 30 calendar days, from the date of withdrawal, to process his registration in the voluntary continuation in the compulsory scheme in the subdelegation of the IMSS corresponding to his new address, failing which he must complete his renewal procedure in the district in which he was registered. For face-to-face registration under IMSS modality 40: If you have contributed at least 52 weeks (with one or more employers) in the last five years, TWELFTH.