In a store that sells alcohol consumed off-premises (such as a grocery store or supermarket), a person under the age of 18 with an appropriate certificate of employment may work as an employee or cashier to sell the product as long as it is not their primary function, and there is a Liquor Control Manager (CBA) on duty on the premises. (Virginia Code § 40.1-100 and 3 VAC 5-50-40) However, working at the minimum working age usually doesn`t include door-to-door sales (like collecting Girl Scout cookies), working on a farm, and the entertainment industry. Different minimum age requirements apply to these job categories. In addition, there are child labour laws that limit the number of hours young people are allowed to work. Sections 40.1 through 103 of the Virginia Code prohibit an employer from endangering the life or health of a child. This means that an employer cannot put you in a situation that could endanger your life, health or morals, or cause you to be overworked, tormented or cruelly treated. 16- and 17-year-olds have no limit on the number of hours worked. However, they must comply with the Compulsory Education Act and curfew, which may apply, and these affect when they can legally work. (Virginia Code §§ 40.1-115 and 40.1-116) An age certificate is issued to a person who is at least sixteen years of age at the request of the employer. It shall be issued by the person empowered to issue the work certificates referred to in this Chapter if he presents the same proof of age as that required for a work certificate. The attestation of age contains the name and address of the person, his date of birth and signature, the signature of the person issuing the certificate and the supporting documents accepted as proof of age. No one may employ, suffer or permit a child to engage in any gainful activity that exposes him to a recognized danger likely to cause serious bodily harm or death.
Every person who contravenes this section is liable to a civil fine under sections 40.1 to 113 of this chapter. The work permit or employment certificate for youth is specific to the employer and the job. If a minor under the age of 16 is looking for a new job opportunity, they must obtain a new work permit. Virginia Code of Hours §40.1-80.1 Youth ages 14 and 15 are limited in the hours they can work. All minors aged 14 and 15 must be given an uninterrupted break of thirty minutes every five consecutive hours of work. Even if a 14- or 15-year-old wants to work more hours, his or her employers are required by law to work them only within the hours listed below: Child labor regulations may include the use of labor certificates issued by the minor`s school or the state Department of Labor and/or an age certificate document confirming the minor`s age for labor purposes. This page describes Virginia`s child labor law. The first Thanksgiving in North America was in Virginia in 1619.
Minors living in Virginia can be grateful for the easy process of getting a job in the state. In Virginia, minors interested in employment can do so at age 14. All minors aged 14 and 15 must have a work permit before starting work. Click here for more information on Virginia`s youth labor laws. The certificate becomes valid with your signature. This process can take 7-10 business days, during which time you may not be working. The employment certificate to be issued must mention the name, sex, date of birth and place of residence of the child. It certifies that all the conditions and requirements for the issuance of a labour certificate in accordance with the provisions of this chapter are met and is signed by the Commissioner. It indicates which proof of age is accepted for the certificate of employment. With the exception of work covered by one of the exceptions provided for in § 40.1-79.01, the certificate must contain the name and address of the employer for whom and the type of specific occupation in which the employment certificate gives entitlement to employment, and is valid only for the profession so designated. It bears a number, the date of issue and is signed by the child to whom it is issued in the manner determined by the Commissioner. The employment certificate shall be issued to the employer in the manner determined by the representative no later than the first day of employment.
The employer and the representative retain a manual or electronic copy of the certificate for as long as the young person is employed or for a period of 36 months, whichever is longer. Restrictions on night work set limits on the time at which a minor can legally work. If you`re a teenager in Virginia and you`re planning to get your first job, you need to know the legal age to work in your Commonwealth. After determining if you are eligible to work, determine how you plan to use your new income. Do you have to pay for school supplies, appointment night, video games, clothing or tuition? Or maybe you`re working because your family needs help with household expenses. In any situation, it is important to know the rules of the workplace. No child may be employed on the basis of a vocational certificate in accordance with sections 40.1 to 88 if such employment requires the child to engage in an occupation considered dangerous under sections 40.1 to 100 A or the regulations made under this section. However, a child of sixteen or seventeen years of age may be employed in certain professions as part of a vocational training program in accordance with the rules and regulations issued by the Commissioner. No child may work in a vocational training program unless there is a written agreement stipulating: (1) that the child`s work is intermittent and short-term ancillary to his or her education and is under the direct and close supervision of a competent and experienced person; (2) that the safety instruction is provided by the school and that it corresponds to the employer`s on-the-job training; and (3) an organized and progressive work schedule has been established. This written agreement must indicate the name of the child thus employed and be signed by the employer and the coordinator of the competent schools. Copies of this agreement will be retained by the school and the employer, and a copy of it must be submitted to the ministry.
Age certificates serve as proof of age. They are issued by work permit officers, usually for employees 16 years of age and older. Proof of age is often required by an employer as part of the hiring process if the position requires the employee to be 16 years of age or older.