This article is based on Understanding and Creating Critical Success Factors, written by Barry Linetsky and Dobri Stojsic of The Strategic Planning Group ( in Toronto and available on Amazon. This is the third in a series of strategic planning guides for executives and managers seeking to better understand how to navigate the facilitation and development of a strategic or business plan. The organization`s strategy guides and shapes the “how” by defining the purpose and strategic drivers. Rethinking or evolving your strategy will determine the shape of the operating model To execute our strategy and strategic objectives, we have identified five key enablers. These key factors support all strategic objectives. The Office of Philanthropy works with internal partners to identify strategic priorities and connect them with supporters who share an affinity for our mission, including: grateful patients and families, alumni, parents, faculty and staff, and other community members. Here is an example of basic strategic enablers identified by a large Canadian insurance company: After identifying these issues related to process or skill gaps as a common issue for our clients, we decided to create a place in our strategic planning process to talk to the management team about these issues, because they affect the ability to execute efficiently. In our opinion, the best place for this in this process was immediately after the identification of the CCAs. The basic strategic enablers are skills and capabilities rather than strategies. Yes, they are crucial because of the need to have them to reach your CSFs, but they are not critical strategies in themselves, hence their “baseline” status. These fundamental prerequisites are crucial for the efficient and effective implementation of the objectives of the strategic plan.
The company-wide commitment to integrate the strategic tactics of 2025 into these key support areas is critical to success. A common challenge in redesigning your operating model is understanding the prerequisites for defining change and implementing it. The basic strategic enablers are generally of the same type from one organization to another, but the categories and wording must be adapted to each unique situation. They must be meaningful to participants and tailored to the plan as fundamental elements on which the successful implementation of the strategic plan depends. They form the basis for strategic action. For the majority of our clients, participation in the creation of the strategic framework consisted of a CEO and the executive team, without a larger group of junior direct employees that we recommend being involved later in the process to brainstorm the strategic initiatives needed to address gaps and advance CSFs to achieve the mission. In our view, a serious and confidential discussion about systemic corporate failures could take place without embarrassment in this group without blame and without a larger group of young managers, who would usually participate as silent observers. In today`s competitive marketplace, it is important to ensure that patients are cared for in the right and state-of-the-art environments. Coordinating facility design and facility maintenance financial allocation with our strategic growth efforts is critical to achieving our 2025 vision and ensuring we see the right patient at the right time and in the right environment.
Our definition of core strategic enablers is: When defining the most important enablers for the business model, it is important to start with the core pillars, which are typically defined as follows: Why was this the right place? Why do we not wait until later in the process, when we will take time to identify strategic initiatives and action points? Our definition of fundamental strategic enablers is: Core strategic enablers are the skills, capabilities and resources that contribute to the operational effectiveness of an organization or long-term program necessary for the effective implementation of the strategic plan. Recognizing and reflecting on these enablers as you rethink the “how” of your business will be a powerful tool to solidify and anchor change. While the delivery of CSFs almost always requires broad collaboration across the organization, the responsibility for core organizational enablers more often rests with a single coordination and management function and is often linked to internal administrative policies, procedures and technologies. Much of the literature focuses on these pillars, but they still don`t provide enough depth to set the stage for rethinking the “how” for your organization. Through our experience working with a number of for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, we have focused on expanding these fundamental pillars. This isn`t an exhaustive list of all catalysts, but it`s a good place to start if you`re trying to rethink the “how” of your organization. The successful implementation of the Europe 2025 strategy requires focusing on the following strategic enablers. Brand Strategy works closely with the company`s top executives to strategically tell consumers the UK HealthCare story through advertising campaigns, web presence and optimization, social media, multimedia, community engagement and publications. Core strategic enablers are elements of your business that need to be in place and for which you must have a certain level of performance competence to achieve the CSFs you identify. They are not GRPs.
On the contrary, they are necessary to support your NVC. We usually use pre-workshop interviews to identify these catalysts and make our results available in the workshop for brief overview and discussion. Changes are made based on direct feedback from leaders to better understand their perspective, and then we move on. The central element of our overall growth strategy is continuous innovation. This gives ASM a technologically leading competitive advantage. With R&D centers in six countries, we have helped shape today`s leading semiconductor products by driving innovation through our collaborative R&D models. We have successfully delivered new materials, products and advanced processes to our customers. Our R&D expenses focus on the development of new materials and process solutions that enable additional applications.
Continuous product improvement in terms of performance, reliability and operating costs is essential. In addition, we focus on improving the energy and resource efficiency of our products. In addition, we are investing in laboratory space and equipment to further increase our development capabilities for next-generation technologies. In addition to our internal R&D activities, we develop and deepen our strategic cooperation with key customers, suppliers, chemical manufacturers and research institutes. For more information, see the “Innovation and Products” section. This is complicated by an often basic description and definition of the operating model, which resembles a complex and diverse environment for many organizations. The biting description of a line in the business model is as follows: since they enable the execution of the strategic plan (and business processes in general), we do not consider them part of the strategic plan itself. They fall into the category of efficient operation of the enterprise system. These are generally “continuous improvements” that are likely already part of management requirements and annual business plans. Addressing the questions of who, what, where, when and how to ensure that the basic policy prerequisites are in place and producing the expected results is a post-planning workshop, although some of the actions to be taken can be addressed in the upcoming elements of the SPP process, namely SWOT analysis, gap analysis, and identification of strategic initiatives.