Lawyers assess clients` needs and refer them to the appropriate legal department. Services may include referrals and information, legal advice and brief services, and comprehensive representation. Any Albertan, regardless of income, can call a legal aid centre and get free information and referrals. If you are unable to hire a private lawyer, you may be eligible for legal aid through Legal Aid Alberta If you are facing a minor offence (summary conviction) and meet the government`s income criteria, student legal workers may be able to help. Student Legal Assistance is a group overseen by the University of Calgary`s Faculty of Law. Law students working with Student Legal Services in Edmonton or Student Legal Assistance in Calgary can act as court representatives or provide short-term legal advice. They are usually supervised by reputable local defence lawyers. Its mandate is to provide legal assistance to low-income accused who are not charged with crimes for which the Crown is seeking a prison sentence. You can contact Student Legal Assistance in Calgary at 403-220-6637. Lethbridge Legal Guidance provides free legal aid, information and advocacy to people in financial difficulty who need legal services and representation and are not eligible for legal aid. Volunteer lawyers provide legal information and advice on a variety of topics, including family, civil matters, labour law, criminal law and immigration law. Free clinics operate on Tuesday evenings.
Juvenile Justice at The Alex – Calgary CLERC provides legal advice, information, advocacy, referrals and services to children and youth. CLERC lawyers represent youth under the age of 19 in matters such as family, immigration, estate and inheritance, employment matters, landlord and tenant issues, human rights issues, education issues and guardianship issues. CLERC does not represent youth involved in criminal matters or using legal services through child protection. Calgary Legal Guidance Calgary Legal Guidance provides legal information and advice to low-income individuals who cannot afford a lawyer and are not eligible for legal aid. He can help with a variety of issues, including but not limited to family, criminal and civil matters. Free legal clinics are open Monday to Thursday evenings. Law Society of Alberta The Law Society of Alberta regulates the legal profession in the public interest by promoting and enforcing high standards of professional and ethical conduct on the part of Alberta lawyers. The Law Society can help members of the public find a lawyer, search for records and wills, and answer questions about lawyers` conduct. Student Legal Assistance – Calgary Student Legal Assistance provides legal information and representation to low-income residents of the Calgary area.
These services are provided by law students at the University of Calgary. ALS assists in civil matters, crimes, landlord/tenant matters, traffic violations, family matters (except divorce), minor claims, welfare/AISH/Employment Insurance complaints, academic and non-academic student appeals, and court administrative work. If you are a member of the legal community or a registered lawyer, contact us for a certificate or invoice. LawNow LawNow Magazine is published by the Centre for Public Legal Education of Alberta six times a year. It provides credible legal information, interpretations and commentary to help Canadians make critical decisions about their professional and personal lives and make meaningful and effective contributions to the democratic life of their communities and countries. Edmonton Community Law Centre The Edmonton Community Law Centre provides free legal information and advice to low- and middle-income people in the Edmonton area who cannot afford a lawyer and are not eligible for legal aid. It can help resolve legal issues such as family law, landlord and tenant issues, employment, human rights, debt, small claims, immigration and income support. ECLC does not provide services in criminal matters. Student Legal Services – Edmonton Student Legal Services is a student-run organization that helps low-income people in the Edmonton area understand and resolve their legal problems. He can assist in criminal, civil and family law, among others.
Pro Bono Students Canada (PBSC) Pro Bono Students Canada is a national network of law schools and community organizations that brings together law students and non-governmental organizations, government agencies, courts and legal clinics during the school year. PBSC has chapters in the faculties of law at the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta. If you are applying for legal aid in person or by phone, please have the following information handy: Grande Prairie Legal Guidance provides free legal information and advice to low- and middle-income individuals who have a legal problem but are not eligible for legal aid. He can help you with areas such as family law, landlord and tenant matters, employment, debts/contracts, circulation/statutes, wills and estates, criminal law and civil law. GPLG does not provide representation in court. Duty counsel assists unrepresented individuals when they appear in court and may provide limited basic legal services. Depending on the situation, the public defender may speak to the court on your behalf. There are no financial eligibility criteria for duty counsel assistance. It is free for all Albertans. If you need full representation by a lawyer for the rest of your case, the public defender may suggest that you apply for legal aid or hire a lawyer in a private capacity.
If your application is rejected, you can appeal the decision in writing. Appeals are usually heard within 30 days of receiving your written complaint, although this may take longer. You can appeal if your application is refused again. For more information, visit Legal Line Legal Line is a federal not-for-profit organization that provides access to the laws under which Canadians are governed. It is a searchable database of Canadian laws that provides answers in 40 major jurisdictions in 107 languages.